The important thing to remember is that radio communications must be hard to 
do, require extra effort, if not repeated failure as well as persecution by 
those who have succeeded one time before, and it is most vital that anyone with 
existing equipment should never be required to change gear.   But those with 
incompatible gear must buy old stuff to meet the approval of those who have 
spent the past 50 years talking to the same people using the same mode and 
antennas to prove, repeatedly that they can say 73 and Roger while holding 
their mic, tuning their transceiver and switching antenna polarization all 
while eating a donut.

It is important to get the facts right and not do anything that would make 
there be no reason to get another box of donuts for the coming week of 

After all amateur radio is about socialization and personal communications.

Gregg Wonderly

On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Dee <> wrote:

> To All...
> I just got off FO-29. It sure sounded very nice and it didn't have any
> pileups. I made 2 contacts with no one else heard. 
> AMSAT-NA has been doing its best to follow through on original Phase 3 type
> birds, however, launches
> For these type birds are not an every day opportunity being presented to us.
> (yes, we[us] are all part of
> AMSAT just by being interested in satellites)  Withholding donations at the
> present time is not really in our interests.
> We need funds to keep up the present offerings for satellite launches. This
> is the time membership should rise and show 
> support for our future efforts. ARRISsat-1 has a linear transponder and you
> can
> Listen to Gould's presentation from Dayton & find out more on the RF setup
> on the website.  We just had a DARA matching funds 
> campaign and I hope that Those that realize what funding can accomplish have
> made that a success and I personally thank those that contributed.
> We have the expertise to put together a great bird but limitations of actual
> launches holds us back.  Our "Engineering team"
> Has assured us that they are ready to be called on to supply us a phase 3
> comparable satellite.  HEO is not a magic word, just one
> That is still upfront and waiting for that timely spark.
> If you look at the BOD candidates, when they present their thoughts and
> objectives just go down the list and find those fitting
> Your requirements for a BOD member.  This is certainly a member society and
> exercise your selective powers when the time comes around.
> If you read the ANS bulletins, members were advised on giving their inputs
> to BOD nominees.  I see a list of volunteers that provide
> Us with ideas we can all deal with.  So as I have pronounced before, let
> your feelings, ideas & comments be heard by those that you
> Intend on electing.  It's your call.....Hear you on the birds!
> 73,
> Dee, NB2F
> NJ AMSAT Coordinator
> Remember-Dee is really a three letter word for HEO
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Dave Guimont
> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:41 PM
> To: Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL
> Cc:
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Board of Directors Candidates
> At 02:58 PM 6/16/2010, you wrote:
>> At 01:22 PM 6/16/2010 -0500, wrote:
>>> It is my pleasure to announce that the following have been nominated 
>>> to serve on the AMSAT Board of Directors for two year terms:
>>> Tom Clark, K3IO
>>> Lou McFadin, W5DID
>>> Tony Monteiro, AA2TX
>>> Gould Smith, WA4SXM
>> Which of these candidates would support adding a Mode A linear 
>> transponder to FOX, or any type of linear transponder for that matter.  
>> FOX will already have a 2m receiver all you'd need to add is a 10m 
>> downlink transmitter.  Use a tape measure tape for the antennas.
>> Why does everything always have to be FM all the time.
> Vince, I've been asking the same thing for years; as others have.
> I hope we are getting great financial support from the fm'ers.  I assume the
> reason for fm is the assumed cost of ssw/cw rigs in comparison to fm.
> I have no idea of member numbers, but assume that graph could be made
> available....
> I've never been a big donor, but I've stopped my pittances since the FM
> promotions....
>            73, Dave, WB6LLO
>                    Disagree: I learn....
>               Pulling for P3E... 
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