On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 04:05:51PM +0200, i8cvs wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "William Leijenaar" <pe1...@yahoo.com>
> To: <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 12:03 PM
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Balloon mission from Austrian hams
> Hi AMSATs,
> Last weekend I was in Austria for holidays, and on the Saterday there was a
> high altitude balloon experiment done by Austrian hams which included a
> known transponder to me ;-)
> My location was near Landeck, some 350km west of the balloon experiment and
> down in the valley, which made it impossible for me to work the transponder
> (from my mobile ham station).
> >>From the website I understand that the balloon experiment was successfull,
> but I read some remarks that the transponder unfortunately was not used very
> much.
> Most propably because the event was not widely known amoung the hams.
> What I understand, is that there will be another balloon mission on Saterday
> (26-June) during the well known Ham Radio event in Friedrichshafen.
> I will not be at the Ham Radio, but I like to pass on the news to other hams
> who will be there and have a chance to listen/work the transponder or the
> balloon APRS.
> The balloon information can be found at the website of OEVSV:
> http://www.oevsv.at/opencms/modules/news/20100621_ballon_passepartout_5_nach
> lese_2010_graz.html?uri=/index.html
> 73 de PE1RAH,
> William Leijenaar
> www.leijenaarelectronics.nl
> Hi William, PE1RAH
> Congratulations !
> It would be very interesting to know if your transponder was recovered at
> the end of the flyght.
> In Italy early in 1982-1984 we did three hight altitude balloon transponder
> flights at 40.000 meters as a secondary AMSAT passenger on board of  high
> altitude balloons with primary experiments of the italian CNR and french
> CNES both governement research organizations.
> The high altitude baloons were lifting from the airport of Milo Sicily and
> were recovered near Huelva south of Spain after three days of flight
> crossing the mediterranean at a maximum latitude over the Balearis islands.
> The name of the joint CNR and CNES flyght mission was ODISSEA and
> italian balloons were named  ULISSE, TELEMACO and PENELOPE i.e.
> the name of three heros from the Omero's poem ODISSEA.
> Our italian linear transponder was designed by i5TDJ (now SK) and it was
> built  with fundings of ARI the Associazione Radioamatori Italiani ad it was
> publiched with drawings and photos in four pages of the AMSAT newsletter
> June 1978 Volume X- Numbar-2
> I can send a copy of it to you and to everybody is interested on it.
> Our three linear 100 mW transponder prototypes  were in Mode-A and in
> Mode-B with a total bandwidth of 45 KHz but the 10.7 MHz IF was splitted
> into three overlappd  sections 15 KHz each with three separate amplifiers
> and with three separate AGC controls in order do not desense the full
> bandwidth of 45 KHz in presence of one very strong signal falling into one
> 15 kHz wide IF amplifier.
> During the flights at 40.000 km altitude many QSO's were made with the
> balloon over the mediterranean area and the transponder never failed one
> flyght.
> Our linear transponder was recovered every time under CNR and CNES
> command near Huelva south Spain and actually is still working as a linear
> transponder on top of a mount in north of Italy.
> Best 73" de
> i8CVS Domenico


The payload including William's transponder was recovered two hours 
after splash-down in a montainous area covered completely with forest.
No GSM communication in that area - 6 different providers were 
under test ! Only the Global Star configuration was successful
in receiving the precise landing coordinates - a narrow trail
between 30 m high trees on both sides.
Three previous flights ended up always high up in trees and the
help of the fire brigades was needed - for cutting down the trees ;-) 

The next flight will be this weekend (Saturday, June 26) at the 
Ham Radio fair in Friedrichshafen. Planned height 28 km, not high
enough for Napoli - sorry !

Vy 73 de Viktor OE1VKW   

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