I remember Echo very well. As Domenico stated it was very visible. I 
remember my father taking my siblings and I outside to view. He 
certainly had my attention then.


On 6/29/2010 2:05 PM, i8cvs wrote:
> Hi Greg, KO6TH
> Echo-1 A was a passive communication satellite launched on 12 august 1960
> in a circular orbit at 1519 - 1687 km and it was a balloon 30.5 meters in
> diameter made of 0.0127 mm thick metallized mylar polyester film to reflects
> signals transmitted from the earth at 960 MHz and 2390 MHz
> Echo-1 A was also carrying two VHF TLM beacons at 108.000 and 108.03 MHz
> with a power of 45 mW and I was receiving both of them for several days
> using a homebrewed downconverter with two low noise triodes 6AN4 in a
> cascode input stage and a simple three elements yagi.
> At that epoch time the 108 MHz band was used only for aeronautical and space
> communications but not for FM broadcasting as novadays so that it was free
> of interfering signals and man made noise and the only existing noise was
> the galactic noise.
> By the way in the early 1960 it was my first received satellite signal and
> it was very exiting to receive the 45 mW beacons using only a three elements
> yagi and a downconverter with a noise figure at best of 6 dB while to see
> the balloon as a bright star by naked eye flying in the night.
> For more technical informations on ECHO-1 ,ECHO-1A and ECHO-2 look at
> the following web page:
> http://msl.jpl.nasa.gov/QuickLooks/echoQL.html
> 73" de
> i8CVS Domenico
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Greg D."<ko6th_g...@hotmail.com>
> To:<bruni...@usna.edu>;<amsat-bb@amsat.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 7:03 AM
> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: HF Satellite Relay

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