Total solar eclipse was observed in southern Pacific Ocean at 11th
July. I checked AO-51 WOD file. Total Array I shows glitch at
2043-2045z. AO-51 was located on east of Argentina at the time. Is
this glitch made with solar eclipse??

AO-51 Wd071100
UTC    Total Array I [mA]
20:35   -2.111 
20:36   -0.323 
20:37   -0.323 
20:38    1.465 
20:39   -0.323 
20:40  528.851 
20:41  321.472 
20:42  307.170 
20:43  183.815 
20:44  190.966 
20:45  176.664 
20:46  249.962 
20:47  300.019 
20:48  396.557 
20:49  498.459 
20:50  519.912 
20:51  729.079 
20:52  634.328 
20:53  936.458 
20:54  843.495 
20:55  948.972 

WOD file

AO-51 WOD decoder


Masa  JN1GKZ    Tokyo Japan


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