
We might want to listen for TLM on  DELFI C3 (DO-64)

73's Pete
AMSAT NY Area Coordinator

Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:45 AM
Subject: DELFI C3 Close Approach

> Sir/Ma'am,
> The United States Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) has identified a
> predicted conjunction between DELFI C3 (SCC# 32789) and A KNOWN OBJECT.
> Primary Object: DELFI C3 (SCC# 32789)
> Secondary Object: A KNOWN OBJECT
> Time of Closest Approach: 23 Jul 2010 21:53 UTC 
> Overall miss distance: 978 meters 
> Radial (dU) miss distance: -172 meters 
> In-Track (dV) miss distance: 372 meters 
> Cross-track (dW) miss distance: -889 meters 
> Primary Radial Error (U):  17 meters
> Primary In-track Error (V):  446 meters 
> Primary Cross-track Error (W):  9 meters 
> Secondary Radial Error (U):  45 meters
> Secondary In-track Error (V):  226 meters 
> Secondary Cross-track Error (W):  31 meters
> Very Respectfully,
> JSpOC Orbital Protection Team
> Joint Space Operations Center
> Vandenberg Air Force Base, California USA

Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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