I've been using HamSat Droid for a while now as its a nice little Sat
Prediction app. There are a few other Android apps for Hams out there and
many, unlike the iCrap, are free or donation ware. Some others that I use

Amateur Radio Call Log - Self Explanatory. Just enter the call sign, signal
reports, and band your operating on. Quick and simple.

Compass - Best compass app out there. Not exactly a Ham or AMSAT specific
app, but its very useful for getting your bearings without having to bring a
compass with you to keep the load down. Also Digital mode makes getting your
bearings even easier if you're not familiar with how a compass works to get
your bearings.

DroidSat - This is a great little app that helps you locate and identify
where in the sky various satellites are including AMSATs. After you get your
bearings and pass info you can locate where in the pass the bird is. Really
useful if you started late in the pass or are having problems locating it.

Grid Locator - Self Explanatory. Push the button and it will use the GPS to
locate you and your grid square. HamSat Droid displays this as well, but
this useful for when you're not doing AMSAT work like VHF contesting.

Ham - May not be directly AMSAT related, but still somewhat relevant.
Displays Solar and HF/VHF propagation data.

Ham Radio Study - Studying for an exam? Take the practice exams for Tech,
General, and Extra on the crapper! ;P

IRLP Finder - Uses Google Maps to locate repeaters around you and the area
you wish to connect to that are equipped with IRLP.

Hope this gives you guys some ideas what's on the Android Market. There's
also plenty of other apps out there.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 12:57 PM, Clint Bradford <clintbradf...@mac.com>wrote:

> HamSat Droid!
> http://sites.google.com/site/hamsatdroid/
> Folks (Droid-ers?) have shown it to me at my presentations - works great!
> Clint, K6LCS
> http://www.work-sat.com
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