Hi Carlos !

Thank you very much for your report.

Listening to the recordings at your site, I hear they have the 
same slight variation in volume as on one of my own PC's.
I do not know yet what is causing this, but useful to get
confirmed form your audio playback - thanks !

Honestly, we do not know what we want to do with this exactly. 
We need to develop new ideas and applications over time
and from others around the world.

- remote monitor cubesat telemetry (scientific application)
- world-wide broadcast of FM satellites (fun, demo)
- live audio feedback of AO7 CW: stretch the footprint tests via internet
- follow satellites while they travel around the world
  (multiple upstream stations needed)

... more ?

- fixed antenna vs beams (beams cannot aim at 2 at the same time)
- fixed antenna give lower SNR
- TS2000 (now) or SDR (only a receiver is needed, no full trx)
- HW: it would be nice to have 1 SDR, with eg AO51+HO68+ISS
  all 3 frequencies monitored AND doppler compensated simultanious
   (PA3FWM like but then for sats - http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/)

... suggestions ?

Today universities that launch a sat need to wait a few hours after 
launch before they can hear their own satellite. We often do this for
them (ANDE-2 over Netherlands, Delfi-C3 over US first). Would be nice
to have a system in place that solves this.

Kind of like the GENSO http://www.genso.org/ project, but that by HAMs.

Henk, PA3GUO

---- Carlos Paoli <crpa...@yahoo.com.br> schreef:
> Hi Mike DK3WN, Henk PA3GUO and guys,

Mike, unfortunately can not monitor your audio stream, the next time I'll be 
your site is very cool.

Henk, I recorded orbits 3903 and 3916 and put on our website at 
also put a ISS record by the CT1EAT.

I hope it is useful and that everyone will enjoy.

 73, Carlos Paoli - PY2FFZ

Henk, PA3GUO

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