GM everyone...heard HO-68 beacon very loud right on schedule and right where it 
was supposed to be. Couldn't copy tele due to local noise and kid QRM.

Will post on D Carr's website. Very loud with my EME array.

Enjoy the weekend everyone. 73 Jeff WB2SYK FN13xc
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: PA3GUO <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 9:23:41 
To: <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: HO68 1706z Pass???

Hi Joe

May not be of much help, but here is a video summarizing HO-68 modes:

Using an 8 elements antenna + pre-amp I can hear the beacon from 0.1 degrees 
elevation already
At 5 degrees it's rock-solid. Without pre-amp you hear it from 10 degrees or 
so, depending on your radio.
We have heared the FM repeater on a portable radio with a simple vertical.

Be aware of the doppler shift at 70cm, which is a few kHz (tune around !).

Let us know how it works out for you, I find it really a nice & easy satellite 
to use.

Dont panic if you do not hear the beacon/transponder. As mentioned already, 
there are some problems and both maybe be off (I had yesterday a pass where
the beacon was on but also one pass where it was off)

Success !
Henk, PA3GUO

> I have a pass in about one hour now from near Seattle.
> Since, I've never used HO-68, is the beacon:  Downlink 435.7900 MHz CW   ??
> Btw, how does the typical beacon signal compare to the typical transponder 
> signal folks have?   Is it louder or same?
> Thanks, Joe, AD7D.

Henk, PA3GUO
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