It was 1/19 and 1/20/2008.  I captured many screenshots of Spectran:
bottom of the page the direct signal was 60-dB S+N/N and Moon echo 
was 20-dB S+N/N.  Received on a 40m inverted-V with a FT-847 2.2 KHz 
bw in USB.  Absolute signal level was affected by AGC.

They ran 360MW with 180 turnstyle antennas; HAARP webpage:

73, Ed - KL7UW

At 02:29 PM 1/20/2011, Jeff Yanko wrote:
>Hi Bob and all!
>I recall there was a HAARP experiment in, or near the 40 meter band.  If I
>recall correctly, Randy, K7AGE, had recorded it for a youtube segment.  I
>foget the power and gain at the site, but it was no doubt impressive.
>Jeff  WB3JFS
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bob Bruninga" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 3:17 PM
>Subject: [amsat-bb] 40m EME (AMSAT 0)
> >> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: FW: Re: em40 needed
> >
> > I misread this as something to do with 40m EME and got so distracted doing
> > the calculations that I may as well post them.
> >
> > By my guess, if one could find an abandoned K mart parking lot with 160'
> > spacing between light poles (about 30' high), one could hang 16 dipoles.
> > If
> > it was over GOOD swamp land, that might equal about 14 dB antenna gain.
> >
> > The path loss at 40m is 36 dB better than at UHF so the link would be
> > about
> > 0 dB SNR on a CW signal maybe.  But from this one has to subtract a huge
> > amount of noise on 40m.  And it would only work at high elevations with
> > really QUIET sun cycle. (you could point it with some phase
> > adjustments)...
> >
> > But several dB of processing gain via DSP could bring it back up?
> >
> > These are only wild  guesses.  But it was fun.  I'd love to see an
> > expert's
> > calculation just for the drill.
> >
> > Bob, WB4APR
> >
> > _______________________________________________
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73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz
EME: 144-1.4kw*, 432-100w*, 1296-testing*, 3400-winter?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep
*temp not in service 
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