Greetings and happy new year everyone,

We've randomly selected the next group of prize winners from those that 
have donated via the Paypal widget. For every $250 dollars raised we 
randomly pick a donor to receive a prize from the AMSAT prize closet. 
Thank you to all that have donated to pay for the construction of 
ARISSat-1 and the beginning of the AMSAT-Fox project. ARISSat-1 is 
featured in this month's QST, and AMSAT-Fox is described by the VP 
Engineering in the current issue of the AMSAT Journal.

Our winners are:

$1750-$2000    Robert Benton    W7VB
$2000-$2250    Kevin Schuchmann    WA6FWF
$2250-$2500    Nigel Gunn    W8IFF

I've BCC'ed the winners on this email. Please contact Martha at or call 1 888 322 6728 and she will tell you what 
prizes are available and get them on the way to you.

Thanks for all the donations, and especially to those who have posted 
the widget to their own pages. If you have an amateur radio website or 
blog, you too can help AMSAT raise the money required to pay for 
construction of these two satellites. by adding the widget code to your 
site. You can even add it to your entry. Contact me at for details. See the widget at

73, Drew KO4MA
AMSAT-NA VP Operations

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