Following stories just found on the Roscosmos web site: I have added the URLs.


Progress M-09M Launch Campaign Continues at Baikonur

:: 21.01.2011

Progress M-09M cargo vehicle has been successfully loaded with propellant 
components and compressed gases at Baikonur. 
The launch of the vehicle to the International Space Station is slated for Jan. 
28, at 4:33 a.m. Progress M-09M will deliver about 2.5 t of cargo to the 
orbital outpost, including propellant, oxygen, food, scientific equipment, 
additional hardware for ISS RS and USOS, crew parcels, and small spacecraft 
Kedr developed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Yury Gagarin’s space 
Roscosmos PAO

Kedr to Make Space Mission

:: 18.01.2011

Launch campaign of the Progress M-09M cargo vehicle continues at Baikonur. 
Last week a small spacecraft was loaded into the vehicle together with other 
standard cargo items. 
The satellite name was adopted by Yu.A. Gagarin call sign in his historical 
flight, namely Kedr. The satellite’s signal will be transmitted at radio 
amateur frequency of 145.95 MHz. Kedr has radio amateur call sign RS1S.
Kedr is to be launched by Russian cosmonauts during the future EVA. 
The satellite is to be delivered to the ISS by Progress M-09М to begin its 
mission on Jan. 28.


Roscosmos PAO

Kedr Small Spacecraft Tested at RSC-Energia

:: 13.01.2011

On December 25 - 31, 2010, the integrated tests of Kedr small spacecraft  were 
conducted at S.P. Korolev Rocket & Space Corporation Energia, followed by 
shipment to the Baikonur space port. Kedr mass is 30 kg, its dimensions are the 
following 550 х 550 х 400 mm.
It is planned to launch Kedr from the International Space Station (ISS) during 
Russia extravehicular activity (EVA).
The satellite is to be delivered to the ISS by Progress M-09М cargo transport 
EAS will transmit 25 messages of greeting in 15 languages Earth photos and 
scientific equipment and service systems telemetry information. Its flight 
control will be provided by the Corporation radio amateur station
The satellite name was adopted by Yu.A. Gagarin call sign in his historical 
flight, namely Kedr. The satellite’s signal will be transmitted at radio 
amateur frequency of 145.95 MHz. Kedr has radio amateur call sign RS1S.

Roscosmos PAO


I assume this is ARISSAT-1?

73 de andy g0sfj


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