At 07:17 AM 2/4/2011, Peter Guelzow wrote:
>Hi All,
> > You guys are making me all teary-eyed!  I 
> loved that bird, especially for all the "challenges" it presented.
>Ughh..      this really hit's me hard and I'm getting very sentimental
>reading all email's to this topic.
>But it gives me also
>The launch campaign in french Guiana, were I was staying in Kourou for
>more than quarter of the year, and the re-birth of AO-40 on Christmas
>were the most exciting days in my life.
>I haven't made many contacts, I was more among the "listeners" and
>enjoyed the fun.
>It's sometimes very frustrating to me that 10 years after the launch of
>AO-40 we still haven't got P3-E into orbit.
>We have been going to many up's and down's during this time, but we are
>not giving up.
>There are new challenges we are working on presently and some of them
>give us a good hope of success.
>Indeed and I'm sorry for that, It has been very quiet about the progress
>of P3-E in the last year.
>While most mechanical work is done, there was also progress on the
>electronics, mostly the IHU.
>However, one of the biggest challenges is indeed funding and a launch we
>can afford.
>That's where we a concentrating most of our efforts and time at the moment
>Indeed, we need the support of the community. There will only a P3-E, if
>we all really want it..
>If you want to support P3-E, than please visit
> and make a direct donation to
>the project - THANKS!
>73s Peter, DB2OS
>Peter Gülzow
>President AMSAT-DL


Good to hear from Amsat-DL pertaining to P3-E.

I guess it is a forgone conclusion that Amsat-NA 
is stalled indefinitely for any Heo.  So, it 
definitely appears that P3-E is our sole 
remaining hope for a Heo satellite in the 
heritage of AO-10, 13 and 40.  I hear a "rally 
cry" to step-out and be counted in support of P3-E.

Peter, hopefully you have some better launch prospects than Amsat-NA has.

Could we get it hauled up to ISS and "kicked out 
the door" with orbital boost engine?  I  guess 
that would be a huge permitting battle?

73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz
EME: 144-1.4kw*, 432-100w*, 1296-testing*, 3400-winter?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep
*temp not in service 

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