These guys are great! I had the privilege of riding to the AMSAT symposium this 
year with Bob Twiggs and part of their team. Earlier last year when NASA 
flewtheir SOCEM mission (suborbital cubesat), it was a great ride. This one 
should be even better.
Keep you ears open for this bird. Unless something fails, it should do 
good.Also check out their Twitter and YouTube page for info about the 
Charlie KI4RDT
----- Original Message -----Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 21:29:08 -0800
From: Kevin Deane <>
Subject: [amsat-bb]  Kysat-1
To: <>
Message-ID: <col107-w611e5175b5d1a2b9e08d5e83...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

So how come nobody is talking about Kysat-1 wich will be launched on Feb, 
23???  A cubesat which will be FM!!! YAAAA!!!  Kysat-1 
website Vandenberg AFB website

Looks pretty real to me unlike the ARRISat which I think they should just zip 
tie to the outside of the spacestation somewhere!!! At least then it would last 
and they could play with it if need be. Anyway just thinking out loud.


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