Or when out on a Sunday drive with the XYL you point homes as "great 
ham locations!".
When shopping for a new home, antenna considerations were highest priority.
Holidays are scheduled in areas/dates with great hamfests or ham conferences.

73, Ed - KL7UW

At 10:48 AM 2/24/2011, wa4...@comcast.net wrote:
>You Might Be (and Probably Are)
>an Amateur Radio Operator, If:
>1. You have bought black electrical tape in ten packs.
>2. You have stripped wire with your teeth.
>3. You have told your child, "One day, all this will be yours," and 
>he or she did not respond at all.
>4. You would rather help another Ham friend to hook up new 
>equipment, or to put up a new tower, than to mow your own lawn.
>5. You have grabbed the wrong end of a hot soldering iron.
>6. You have gotten an RF burn from your own antenna.
>7. You have given out RST reports while you were on the telephone.
>8. When the microphones or visual aids at a meeting did not work, 
>you rushed up to the front to fix them.
>9. You have told the XYL, when she noticed a new rig in the shack, 
>"Why, that has been there for years."
>10. You have set your watch to UTC only.
>11. You have had to patch your roof after an antenna project fell onto it.
>12. You have put a GPS tracker in the XYL's car or on the riding 
>mower, just so you could watch it on APRS.
>13. You have tapped out "CQ" or "HI" on the car horn in Morse Code 
>to another Ham.
>14. Your teenager has refused to ride in your car because it looks 
>like a porcupine.
>15. You know the Latitude, Longitude, and Elevation of your home QTH.
>16. You have gone into the local Radio Shack store, and the store 
>clerk has asked you where something is and how it works.
>17. You have answered the telephone with your call sign, and then 
>finished the conversation with "73" and your call sign.
>18. You have looked for antennas, radios, and Morse Code in movies 
>and television shows.
>19. When you look at anything made of wire or metal tubing, you 
>wonder if it could be used as an antenna.
>20. Your call sign is listed on one or more of your hats, T-shirts, 
>or other garments.
>21. You regularly carry one or more tools in your pockets at any given time.
>22. When any kinds of batteries go on sale, you get really excited.
>23. When you look at a barbecue grill, it creates ideas about ground 
>plane antennas.
>24. You have designated all your friends as Hams or Non-Hams.
>25. You have referred to your Ham friends by their call sign 
>suffixes instead of their real names.
>26. You have intentionally confused Non-Hams by telling them that 
>the only things you talk about on the air are pork products.
>27. You have intentionally scared Non-Hams with the word "RADIATION"!
>28. You have looked at telephone poles and power line towers as 
>potential antenna supports.
>29. You have thought you were still hearing CW, SSB, or SSTV tones, 
>even when your Ham radio was off.
>30. Your Go-Bag has more clothes in it than your dresser does.
>31. You have a SKYWARN sticker on your back window.
>32. Your significant other sits in the back seat, and your radios 
>ride in the front.
>33. Your neighbors wonder if you are a "Narc" (narcotics officer), a 
>Spy, or a Federal Agent.
>34. The cops pull you over because they want to see the inside of your car.
>This one is actually being done by Tim Clark, KB4RPV:
>35. Your cell-phone's ring tone is your Ham radio call sign, sent in 
>Morse Code http://www.planetofnoise.com/midi/morse2mid.php).
>Thought this might be worth a little chuckle
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73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz   www.kl7uw.com
EME: 144-1.4kw*, 432-100w, 1296-testing*, 3400-winter?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep dubus...@hotmail.com
*temp not in service 
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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