Today was a good day to stay indoors as a cold front moved through,
bringing with it strong gusty winds, much colder temps (go figure!), and
all day showers. I was able to make a few passes, but at best it was
very hard keeping the step-ladder "station" in place, holding on to the
antenna, and tuning the rigs. I missed several passes, but they were all
during the business hours when I was tied up.


By the way, I worked only KB5WIA during the VO52 pass at 25/0527Z; that
was on CW. It sounded like someone had called me on SSB on the same freq
and proceeded to work me. Hopefully it was another station he was
working, 'cuz it sure wasn't me.


Also, I'll be getting up extra early to work the FO29 pass at 25/1115Z.
I should be in BM55 at that time.


I should be able to put BM55, BM65, and BM75 into someone's logs


Here's the planned sked for tomorrow, 25 Feb. Everything is contingent
on the weather.


SO50 - 25/2136Z (if I can ever turn it on!)

AO27 - 25/2205Z

AO51 - 26/0132Z

FO29 - 26/0154Z

AO7 - 26/0331Z (if in Mode B)

FO29 - 26/0340Z

VO52 - 26/0404Z

SO50 - 26/0431Z (it's coming from the States, so hopefully someone else
will turn it on!)

VO52 - 26/0537Z


The following passes are hopefuls as they're during my workday:

VO52 - 25/1845Z

SO50 - 25/1956Z

AO27 - 25/2347Z (approx turn on time)

AO51 - 25/2357Z

FO29 - 26/0012Z


I've got FO29 earmarked at 26/1201Z, but that's in the middle of my
night, so the jury will stay out on that one until tomorrow night.




Jim, ND9M/MM / VQ9JC

Grid BM45









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