On 02/25/2011 8:13 PM, Ron Overdrive wrote:
> There are 2 that come to mind: HamSat Droid and DroidSat. They both do
> different things and make a great combo. HamSat Droid is a satellite
> prediction app and DroidSat allows you to locate the bird in the sky
> like a spotter scope. So use HamSat Droid to predict the bird's pass and
> use DroidSat to aim your hand held antenna!

HamSatDroid is very easy to use and can download the AMSAT Keps file. 
But the output is merely text (azimuth/elevation).  A map of the 
footprint would be really nice.  20+ years ago Instant Track displayed a 
footprint with a 20 MHz processor.  Today's processors are vastly more 
powerful, but no Android application displays a footprint?  I guess 
that's because only hams care about it...

Another useful Android application is "Grid Locator".  Launch the app 
and it displays the 6-digit Maidenhead Grid of the phone's location. 
GPS must be enabled or it says you're in grid JJ00aa.

Wayne Estes W9AE
Oakland, OR, USA, CN83
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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