Along the same theme: how hard is it to restart a project like the DSP-10?
 I remember emailing them (or it might've been TAPR) on the DSP-10 and not
getting a good response.  The thing that sucks for me was this project
probably died way before I had my Tech or head of QST.

frank b.

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Kevin Deane <> wrote:

> I did not mean for my sarcasim to be insulting, I gather they must go hand
> in hand, my opologies...
> So I did find a hombrew 2-meter all band in the 1999 QST, Sept,Oct,Nov...
> called the DSP-10. A little more than I was looking for and I think it was
> discontinued. Several hundred were sold.
> Goes to show it can be done. Roger I think said something about a
> downconverter, I do have an old 10-meter maybe that will work. Still would
> like to make a 2-meter and a 70cm SSB radio probly have to be two kits.
> Still searching I have sent like 20 e-mails to kit stores we shall see.
> Any more ideas would be great! Did I curb the sarcastic remarks? Oh that
> was one wasnt it...LOL
> Kevin
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