
The next few days will be busy for me, but definitely fun.  Tomorrow
morning, I will head out to San Diego.  I will give a presentation for
the Escondido Amateur Radio Society at their regular monthly meeting
tomorrow night at 1930 local (0330 UTC Friday) on satellite operating
away from home.  The club meets at the Escondido Salvation Army 
building on Las Villas Way, east of the I-15 freeway in grid DM13kd.  
More information about the club and the meeting is available at:


About 25 minutes before the meeting, there is a VO-52 pass that I hope 
to be on for a demonstration.  If you hear WD9EWK on there, please feel
free to call.  Many thanks to John W9EN, the club's program chairman 
(and satellite operator) for the invitation.  This will be my first time
in the San Diego area since 2004, and I'm looking forward to this. 

There may be some other opportunities to work satellites from the San
Diego area, or during the driving between Phoenix and San Diego on 
Thursday and Friday.  For the road trip, I will have my TH-D72A on APRS 
as WD9EWK-9.  That should be visible at:


After heading back home on Friday afternoon/evening, I will attend the 
Scottsdale Amateur Radio Club's annual spring hamfest on Saturday morning 
with an AMSAT table.  The hamfest is a half-day event, starting around 
0600 local (1300 UTC) and running until noon.  More information about the 
hamfest, including a flyer with a map of the new location, is available 


During the hamfest, I will have demonstrations using various satellites.
If you hear WD9EWK on any of those passes, please call and say hello to
the crowds listening in on the demonstrations.  

If you work WD9EWK on any satellite passes over the next few days, 
whether at the club meeting Thursday evening, the hamfest Saturday
morning, or somewhere between Phoenix and San Diego on either 
Thursday or Friday, I will be happy to QSL those contacts.  If you
want a QSL card, just e-mail me with the QSO details.  All QSOs 
will be uploaded to Logbook of the World as well.  


Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK 

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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