I believe your reference was to N4ZC.  

There are some old (2002) posts on amsat-bb about his exploits:

Jerry, K5OE

On 3/12/2011 7:25 PM, Bill Dzurilla wrote:
> I was giving a presentation at our club meeting called Working DX on the 
>Satellites and afterwards someone had a good question: is it at all possible 
>that tropo, skip, or other form of enhanced propagation can enable a contact 
>via a satellite below the horizon?
> It has never happened to me.  Has it ever happened?
It was relatively commonplace with RS-12 on Mode K, 15m up, 10m down. 
There was one guy in North Carolina I think that worked dxcc on 
RS-12/13. He was my first satellite QSO in 1992 or so, and was always 
on. I can't remember the call, but it was a 1x2 I think.

I imagine it would be at least possible on other birds and higher bands 
with strong tropo. Jerry, KK5YY told me about doing that on AO-27 or 
UO-14 from Alaska over the ocean. I've not experienced it though.

73, Drew KO4MA

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