After the just completed VO52 pass that started here at 26/0111Z, I
checked with the ship's bridge watchstanders who confirmed that we won't
cross into EK98 in time for the next VO52 pass; we won't cross the line
until a half hour or so afterward. That's too bad because that
particular pass will cover nearly all of the US as well as Latin
America, and at a halfway decent hour too.


So since I've already been from EK97 on seven passes today on five
different satellites, I'll forego the next VO52 pass and grab a little
sleep so I can get up in time for FO29 to hit the eastern areas at least
while we're hopefully still in EK98. This will likely be the only pass
available for EK98 as we'll cross out that grid pretty soon afterward.


I'll still be on FO29 at 26/0901Z, but we should have crossed into EK88
by then.




Jim, ND9M / VQ9JC



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