I'm sure most on here don't know that Jim was also supplying many non-satellite 
hams with very rare grids on both 2 meters and 70 cm as his ship left the 
western tip of Cuba, all the way to Jacksonville Florida.

NZ5N and I emailed Jim a few days ago, to see if he would be willing to spend 
even more time holding his antenna outside and talking into his mike when he 
wasn't working the satellites.  He replied saying he would be very happy to.  

Jim would send us periodic emails listing the time and grid he would be at, and 
we agreed to use 144.230 on 2 meter SSB.

The 144 MHz propagation logger was also used to notify hams in the area, 
including N3LL near Tampa Florida to the west,  C6ANX in the Bahamas to the 
east, and several others near Jacksonville and perhaps above.

We also had various opportunities to chew the rag with Jim.  And yes, there 
were pileups!

The antenna Jim uses (an Elk I believe) was simply amazing.  On 2 meters, to 
the south I worked him at a distance of 151 miles, and to the north a distance 
of 204 miles.  On 432 my distances were a lot less, but thats because I 
presently only have my circularly polarized satellite antenna that is just 12 
feet off the ground.  

These contacts were made on 'normal days' with 'normal conditions', no 
tropospheric ducting was involved.

Other than the grids being rare, it's a rare opportunity to find such a kind 
and patient person.  Thanks Jim!

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Mar 29, 2011, at 10:31 PM, Glenn AA5PK wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Clary, James T, Civilian wrote:
>> Tks for helping to make the two-month voyage a memorable one!
> Jim,
> We all owe you a big thanks for sacrificing your sleep to active those rare 
> wet grids in the wee hours.
> I logged 48 new grids thanks to you.  It could have been more if I hadn't had 
> to be at work during a number of your 
> operations.
> 73 and let your vacation time begin!
> Glenn AA5PK in DM91

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