Thanks to all the stations that managed to work me from FK09. I know I missed a 
bunch of you but we also have many in the log.

AO27 was not behaving on my end. It was extremely noisy on the downlink and I 
was only able to work a few of you.

FO29 - AO51: this was a tricky pass. AO51 was coming into view half way into 
FO-29 pass. FO-29 was very productive. AO51 worked out very well. I later lost 
it between some trees but was able to get into it at about 3 degrees, getting 
three more stations in the log before I lost it.

Sorry to those that I missed.   Thanks again for a pretty disciplined set of 
passes and lots of folks in the log. I plan to be back on Little Cayman in a 
years so keep your fingers crossed, I may try to go over to FK09 again in the 

Today will be a no radio day. Maybe HF.  I'll be back on the air late evening 
Saturday once we are back on Grand Cayman from EK99kh.

73, Adrian ZF2AE/ZF8

From: Adrian Engele <>
Sent: Thu, March 31, 2011 7:09:28 AM
Subject: ZF2AE/ZF8 will be QRV from FK09

OK, here is the game plan. I will be making a special trip over to FK09 today.

I plan to be on during 1900 UTC through 2300 UTC today only!!!

I hope to get on:

AO27 at 19:06 UTC

FO-29 at 21:03 UTC

AO-51 at 21:11 UTC

Please, please, please be patient and listen, listen, listen.  This makes it 
easier on this operator and I can work more stations efficiently  as was done 

73, Adrian AA5UK  - ZF2AE/ZF8 EK99xp  > FK09 later today
Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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