On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Clint Bradford <clintbradf...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> ... go to AMSAT's sat status page ...
> Personally, I prefer to get folks in the habit of checking the actual control 
> team pages for the various FM birds. That leaves any "middlemen" and 
> third=party Web site editing delays out of the equation.
> I mean, what better info is there than that published by those who actually 
> control the satellites?

I too am a beginner and wondered about how to calculate doppler and/or
determine a rough estimation based on pass information (elevation/az,
etc.).  I tend to start about 10 kHz up on any given pass which seems
to be a reasonable approximation for most of the birds so far (I
started this way because I followed the AO-27 FAQ).

My biggest challenge is finding the signal while adjusting for
doppler.  Once I get it though, I'm good for the rest of the pass!

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