
1. if you use HRD Logbook, you need to input the satellite name and indicate
'propagation' as 'satellite' on that tab. Name must be exact name of sat
including hyphen:  AO-51  not ao51. Not doing this will not pick up the
contact in LoTW.

2. Always use most current version of HRD. (I think HRD is the best overall
CAT program as it blends all your needs into 1 program - others will
disagree) and the price is right ! (there is a HRD Group on Yahoo Groups
that is helpful or you can look in the HRD forums for an answer)

3. There is a LoTW tab in the current version of HRD Logbook. If you
highlight an entry and click the LoTW tab it will prompt you through the
process. If you have a log page open, you can hold the 'ctrl' key down and
highlight multiple entries. Or you can export your log and upload the entire
log each time. I have been uploading on a weekly basis, usually on a Monday
(after a contest or weekend sat passes)

4. QSL cards are often a budget issue. My personal choice for best quality
and the ability to work with you on your own design is RUSPRINT (Google it)
Darryl will customize the back side of the card for sat contacts (look at
the back of K8YSE's card for example of a layout)

5. It is customary to include SASE. Ask the other guy - look at his
page). The frustration is that not all sat folks will return a card, even
with a SASE, but that is part of the game . Now that LoTW has a VUCC, you
could rely solely on that, but it may not happen in your lifetime depending
on your age.

Good hunting, Ted K7TRK

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Ben Napper
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 2:32 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] My First Satellite Contacts


I've been grinning ear-to-ear for a little while now that I have my first
satellite contacts completed.  I find it astonishing that a hobby as mundane
sounding as Amateur Radio can have any aspect of it that is
as exhilarating as this experience has been.  From the day I got my Tech
ticket, I've wanted to work the birds, but, being a younger ham, life takes
its turns.  Thank you to my #1 - K8YSE, #2 - AC0RA, #3 - W7JPI, #4 - WA4NV,
and #5 - K8TL.

That said, I've learned a few things while lurking on here and the
 - Be patient. There's a lot of hams and only a few FM birds. (I'd love to
get into the linear birds too, but I'd need congressional approval from the
wife for the budgetary consideration required to make that a reality.)
 - Don't try to transmit on the bird's downlink frequency.  No matter how
hard you try, you will be doing a lot of talking to yourself.
 - Clean up the dog poo in the backyard.

Now, some questions: I want to use Ham Radio Deluxe as my log (unless I hear
of something that is much better) and I'm setup for LotW.  How often should
I upload to LotW?  Are there any gotchas with logging satellite contacts?
 Best practices?

Also, I want to (eventually) do paper QSL cards.  If you do them, how do you
usually handle them?  Who do you recommend to use to get them made?


Ben Napper - KC0PCQ
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