I was not aware of these little pcb coax relays.  I think one could 
make a neat CP reversal switch using them on a pcb that could handle 
normal satellite RF levels (<100w) at a reasonable cost.  Much better 
than what is used on KLM CP antennas.

One could make switching preamps using two of them with any preamp

I use a couple CX-600NL in my 2m-eme system for polarity switching, 
but do not have enough isolation (48-dB) for preamps when 
transmitting 1000w (60dBm).  So I use two Narda relays with 80-dB 
isolation.  I am going to use one of the CX-600NL for 6m-eme 
switching 1100w where isolation is 60-dB.

73, Ed - KL7uW

At 05:33 PM 6/1/2011, Mark L. Hammond wrote:
>Hello Domenico I8CVS,
>I did take pictures while I had the cover off :)  You can see and 
>download them here:
>Indeed, they are labeled "COAXIAL RELAYS" as you suspected.
>You can also see the "little white button" on the relays that I 
>mentioned previously.
>Mark N8MH
>At 02:42 AM 6/2/2011 +0200, i8cvs wrote:
> >Hi Mark, N8MH and All guys on the list.
> >
> >I am very happy that you solved the problem on your preamplifier and since
> >you took the cover off I would like to know if the relays are or not
> >"COAXIAL RELAYS" or just non constant impedance relays for AC or DC
> >applications.
> >
> >Can you take a picture on the inside of preamplifier and send it to me by
> >email ?
> >
> >I remember that the owner of Landwehr was a 432 MHz EME'r in the early 1973
> >and I worked him off the moon but actually I don't remember his call letter
> >from Sweden.
> >
> >I believe that he dismitted the production of the above preamplifiers many
> >years ago.
> >
> >Tanks
> >
> >73" de
> >
> >i8CVS Domenico
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Mark L. Hammond" <marklhamm...@gmail.com>
> >To: "Amsat - BBs" <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
> >Cc: "i8cvs" <domenico.i8...@tin.it>; "Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL"
> ><vlfis...@mcn.net>; "K5OE" <k...@aol.com>
> >Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 1:44 AM
> >Subject: Fixed! Re: Landwehr 70cm preamp device question?
> >
> >
> >> Hello All,
> >>
> >> You gotta love a happy ending ;)
> >>
> >> Thanks to I8CVS, Domenico; Vince, KB7ADL; and Jerry, K5OE for the advice
> >and coaching with troubleshooting my Landwehr 70 cm preamp.
> >>
> >> I took the cover off and applied 12V, and the two relays closed----or did
> >they?!?
> >>
> >> One side looked good, while the other side didn't quite push the "little
> >white button" enough to make the contacts meet.  It was stuck--just a gentle
> >push with the finger, and I could tell it had become "unstuck."  Inserted
> >back in line, and bingo!  It's working just fine.
> >>
> >> I have resisted my urges to spray something down in there...figure I can
> >unstick it the same way another time, should it happen.  Looks like the
> >preamp was made in 1990, based on the dates of the relays.
> >>
> >> What I was seeing seemed like it might be a relay issue on one side (could
> >hear a rise in noise, so the relay at the output side (rig) was working--but
> >the relay on the input side (antenna) wasn't.  So, when powered, the input
> >relay didn't switch over correctly--what I was seeing now makes sense!
> >>
> >> Anyhow, it wasn't the GaAsFET after all.
> >>
> >> Thanks again for the help, guys.
> >>
> >> 73,
> >>
> >> Mark N8MH
> >>
> >>
> >> >>----- Original Message -----
> >> >>From: "Mark L. Hammond" <marklhamm...@gmail.com>
> >> >>To: "Amsat - BBs" <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
> >> >>Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 8:00 PM
> >> >>Subject: [amsat-bb] Landwehr 70cm preamp device question?
> >> >>
> >> >>> Hello All,
> >> >>>
> >> >>> I have an old Landwehr preamp that apparently uses the MGF1402 device
> >> >>> (does that sound right?).  It's not working so I presume it's the
> >> >>> GaAsFET.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Can the MGF1302 be substituted for the original MGF1402?  Or can
> >> >>> anybody recommend another device for the 70 cm Landwehr?
> >> >>>
> >> >>> I need to do something...
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Thanks in advance!
> >> >>>
> >> >>> --
> >> >>> Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]
> >>
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73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz   www.kl7uw.com
EME: 50-1.1kw?, 144-1.4kw, 432-100w, 1296-testing*, 3400-?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep dubus...@hotmail.com
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