It can sometimes be quite difficult to find when SO-67 will be on air. The
schedules aren't always posted here, or on the amsatsa website.

As an occasional amateur satellite operator, it can be frustrating to not be
able to look up when this bird is on air. Those more regular operators
probably don't suffer with this problem quite so much. I understand the
payload is a secondary one, however if the schedule was kept up to date it
would be very helpful :-)

There have been several emails on the -bb stating the loose schedule of one
week in four for the US, Europe etc. These can be difficult to find, may I
suggest that it be put up on either the amsatsa website that is linked to as
"schedule information" or on the amsat-na page with a disclaimer that this
is a general schedule that isn't always in force for operational reasons. ?

Just a suggestion

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