
The source code for the decoder is what I am really interested in, and I had 
found the link to Phil Karns code on his site but was reluctant to use it since 
it is a tarzip and apparently not under source control hence probably not the 
latest; his site was last updated Dec 2010. The thinking is that the svn 
repository would contain decoder bug fixes and mods.

Joe, W2DSN

From: Gordon JC Pearce <gordon...@gjcp.net>
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 2:59 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: ARISSatTLM source code

On Thu, 23 Jun 2011 21:57:06 -0400
Anthony Monteiro <aa...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> This has always been open source, its just that the
> server is temporarily down. You can find all of the
> original LINUX code without the GUI on Phil's web site:
> http://www.ka9q.net/

The stuff *without* the GUI is probably more useful to begin with,
since you'd pretty much need to write the GUI from scratch ;-)

HDLC frames, y'say?  Wonder if this could be used as an alternative to
AFSK for packet?

> We hope to have the server with the ARISSatTLM Windows
> code up again soon.

Yeah.  You know what?  Github.  Or Gitorious.  Or something like that -
there's bound to be an Subversion-based similar site.  I used to run my
own Git repo for things like lysdr and aprsmap.  Now they can be found on


because it's more fun writing code than maintaining servers, and life's too
short to do both.

> 73,
> Tony AA2TX

Gordon MM0YEQ
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