My ship has finished the shipyard period and will make the overnight run
from Charleston (FM02) to Jacksonville (EM90) this weekend to load up
for the return to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. With a bit of luck
and good timing, I should be QRV from wet grid FM01 the evening on
Sunday, 26 June. The ship's captain is willing to make the detour to
reasonably maximize the time available, so just like with DM02 back in
March, it all comes down to how tight the ship's schedule has to be
kept. (We've got a different captain from before, but the current one is
even more ham radio-friendly.) 


Right now, it looks good. If it sticks, the target time frame that we'd
be in FM01 would be roughly 26/2200Z to 27/0200Z.


I'll look to be on the following passes:


AO7 - 26/2128Z

AO51 - 26/2143Z

AO7 - 26/2319Z (until it switches to Mode A late in the pass)

VO52 - 27/0032Z

VO52 - 27/0208Z


If we wind up having to stay with the originally plotted course, we'd
still be passing through FM01, but the in-grid time would likely be less
than an hour, and probably not include a sat pass.


I'll be signing off the ship next Thursday (30 June) when my XYL and
favorite driver Cori will pick me up at Jax. The only bad part of
signing off the ship is that I won't be on board for the return trip
across the Atlantic and midway across the Indian Ocean. The comms
officer taking my place until I come back to the ship in November isn't
a ham unfortunately, so there won't be any wet grids activated during
that crossing.


I'll be home in EM70 for a few days, and then we have to make a bee-line
drive out to Arizona (ETA 11 July). Once we wrap up necessary business
there, we'll take our time and hit all the AZ and NM grids (and counties
on CW & SSB for the HF county hunters) before returning to Florida.


By the way, I returned to ship about three weeks ago and have answered
all QSL requests for my Pacific crossing trip that were received by the
time I left the home QTH. If anyone needs confirmations, pse e-mail me
via my home address (claryco @, and I'll be glad to send out
the cards. (E-mails sent to my shipboard address are fine for the next
few days, but I won't have access to it after next Thursday until I get
back to the ship later this year.)




Jim, ND9M / VQ9JC




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