On Jun 27, 2011, at 9:13 AM, wa4...@comcast.net wrote:

> It took me 5 satellite passes before I could make 1 contact There were too 
> many ops making what sounded like HI POWER multi contacts .This should not 
> have happened. Maybe someone with good writting skills could send the ARRL 
> world above 50 an artical on how to work the birds during FD
> WA4HFN em55  Damon

Damon  - If this bothers you, or others, there are several things one can do to 
address this issue. 

1. Use the linear birds. You can make more than a single contact per satellite, 
and the bandwidth available supports dozens of contacts in a pass. The linear 
birds are not without their problems, mainly different ways of dealing with 
Doppler shift and QRM, but the short nature of the contacts make coping with 
these problems much like dealing with HF QRM. One can easily make 5 or more 
QSOs per pass on a linear satellite with even primitive satellite operating 
abilities. You do the math, particularly after waiting for 5 satellite passes 
before you could make a contact. That is a 25:1 ratio in favor of the linear 
birds. To me it is lots less hassle to deal with the Doppler than to deal with 
the single signal nature of the FM birds and the payoff is significantly 
greater for not that much more effort.

2. Report the offenders. Field day rules specify one contact per FM bird per 
transponder. If you hear someone making more than one contact per satellite per 
transponder, write down the offender's call and the calls he works and send it 
to the ARRL. If you can make an audio recording of the offender so much the 
better. With this information the ARRL should be able to verify the offense 
from the logs and take action, at the least changing the entry to a check log 
and at the most DQing the entry. If the satellite ops cost a club a valid 
entry, I suspect that peer pressure will prevent it from happening again. 

3. Contacts through the FM birds could not be counted for FD credit at all. 
This would exclude the newcomer with only FM HT capability, but I am not sure 
that trying to work an FM bird on FD is a good introduction to satellite 
operation anyway. 

4. The FM transponders could be shut off during FD. 

5. Satellite FM contacts could be limited to portable stations only. This would 
reduce the big station's capabilities to dominate the satellites. Their absence 
would not be 

The FM satellite problems on Field Day are really just a concentrated version 
of the problems with FM satellites in general. While they are ideally suited to 
the beginner with minimal equipment, and hence a good introduction to satellite 
operation in general, the beginner who gets introduced to satellite operation 
with the FM birds really needs to move on to the linear birds to fully 
experience what satellite operation is capable of. If they do not move on, then 
the enticement of FM satellites has failed. And the resources used to launch 
then have not been used to their fullest. - Duffey KK6MC
James Duffey KK6MC
Cedar Crest NM
< jamesduf...@comcast.net >

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