A net could work on a satellite but a net needs to be established and
practiced so when the real emergency happens, the net itself is
routine and focus can be on the emergency.  I'm not surprised we don't
have this because of the scarcity of the satellites themselves.  While
FM gives the most operator base, I would think that this is something
that would be left for the multi QSO birds like 29 and 52.  That's my
take on this.

73 de Pat --- KA9SCF.

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 10:59 AM, jerry <jkb...@wildblue.net> wrote:
> I can see it now , USA Today headlines " Ham operator successfully passes 
> ARRL RadioGram over Orbiting Satellite" .
>  As much trouble and time it takes to pass a message over much more 
> controlled frequiencies , I could not imagine trying to pass a formatted 
> message over a satellite , therefore rendering a sat as useless for handling 
> emergency traffic.
>  And I still say a net control type format would allow for many more contacts 
> on field day than just QRZ.
> Jerry WB5LHD
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