Re: [AMSAT-BB] ISS, what the heck happened?
>>This brings up an interesting thought. The astronauts receive monetary 
>>compensation for performing their duties while employed by NASA. So, if 
>>their employer schedules them to operate amateur radio as part of their job 
>>assignment, would this not violate Part 97.113 (Prohibited transmissions) 
>>which specifically prohibits "Communications in which the station licensee 
>>or control operator has a pecuniary interest, including communications on 
>>behalf of an employer".
>>Now, DON'T GET YOUR PANTIES IN A WAD! It is just a question.

>>Chuck, KM9USec. 97.113  Prohibited transmissions.(iii) A control operator may 
>>accept compensation as an incident of a teaching position during periods of 
>>time when an amateur station is used by that teacher as a part of classroom 
>>instruction at an educational institution.The Astronauts are teaching from 
>>space, not making general
contacts to the Ham community. If they do make general contacts, great! If they
don't, it’s not their job. If anyone really wants to talk to an astronaut in
space, volunteer your time and talent for an ARISS contact. You won't regret
it. That's what the ARISS program is for, teaching from space. If ever I get
down and frustrated as a teacher, all I have to do is watch video, pictures,
and turn that time on in my mind, it makes it all worth it. We felt like rock 
and the kids loved us!
Charlie CantrillKI4RDTInstructor Nelson County Area Technology Center

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