After posting some thoughts a few days ago (RE: ISS, what the heck 
happened?), I have given the idea more consideration.

Proposal (ARISS on ISS):
1)  Install a 100-KHz transponder unit on ISS, with usual digital 
2)  It would run mode-UV
3)  Installed internally in the ISS
4)  Replace most of the current ISS ham radio equipment
5)  Could be considered an upgrade/improvement to the existing ham radio on ISS
6)  Use ISS power and existing ham radio antenna infrastructure (no 
solar panels)(no thermal requirements for space environ)(perhaps less 
radiation hardening)
7)  Use batteries for stand-alone operation (recharged from ISS power)
8)  Control commanded from ground (no intervention required by astronauts)
9)  Local access for use of astronaut-hams
10)  Provide emergency back-up comms for ISS (perhaps with a separate 
FM channel)
11)  (perhaps) Use of existing ham-radio handheld on ISS on low-power 
to dedicated receiver which would activate astronaut repeater channel.
12)  This FM channel could be used as FM ham repeater when not in use 
by astronauts  (means world-wide monitoring for the astronauts as 
well as normal Leo FM activity)
13)  Modular design for future upgrades and/or repair (easy 
installation by astronauts-plug*n*play)
14)  Segmented pass-band to allow packet/APRS digipeating
15)  Transmitters able to be shut down for eva and other critical 
missions either locally on ISS or from ground.
16)  Perhaps a special Rx/Tx on ISS eva channel for cross-band repeat 
in event of loss of atmosphere emergency (help to sell the concept to 
NASA as a comms back-up).
17)  No need for orientation (spin or de-spin), rad hardening, 
thermal structures (air-cooled), no propulsion, no launch requirements.
18)  Easily maintained by supply from ground (repairs or upgrades).
19)  Long-Life

Re-direct of either Fox or P3E efforts?  (no launch requirement-rides 
as cargo to ISS)

73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz
EME: 50-1.1kw?, 144-1.4kw, 432-100w, 1296-60w, 3400-?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep

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