All systems go for the AO7 pass, with a nice window to N. America this morning 
on the next pass. I worked several European stations on the last pass, some 
distortion but strong signals.

73, Bill NZ5N/OM3BD JN88mf

On Jul 7, 2011, at 15:38, Bill Dzurilla <> wrote:

> Thanks to all who have emailed and requested skeds with me from JN88 in 
> Slovakia.  After a series of rig and antenna issues, I am now back on the 
> sats, with several QSOs today with good reports.
> I will try to make a test AO-7 run tomorrow when I have a common footprint 
> with North America.  If all goes well, I will take my rig and a 70cm antenna 
> with me for the weekend when I go the the OM1HQ club station in JN89 for the 
> IARU contest on HF.  They have a 2m beam at the club.  Those of you who 
> worked me last year in JN88 should be on the lookout Sunday if you want this 
> new grid.
> No promises or skeds yet, with the bad luck I've been having anything can 
> happen.  But I still have more than 3 weeks left here and hope to have some 
> sat contacts with North America.
> Last year, best DX was Ohio to the west and Virginia to the south.
> 73, Bill NZ5N/OM3BD  

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