Hi Everyone,

I'm about a month away from my planned grid-expedition to the rare
grid squares in California's Lost Coast.  If all goes well, I'll be
QRV from the grid intersection of CM79, CM89, CN70, and CN80 on Sunday
August 7th and Monday August 8th.   As usual, I'll try for as many
linear and FM bird passes as I can manage.  I'll be using the twin
Yaesu FT-817ND radios, along with the Elk antenna on a tripod.  Power
will come from a lightweight LiFePO4 battery and as much sunlight as
my solar panels can harvest.  I haven't been to this location before,
but based on the terrain, I should have fairly good views towards the
horizons, so hopefully anyone in North America who needs these grids
can get them!


73 de Dave KB5WIA
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