I'll be attempting to work a few satellite passes from
the Cleveland Metroparks at the Westpark Radiops Club
Meeting/Picnic tonight.  It is very likely that there will be no
line of sight from this location but I'll try no matter what.

The Westpark Radiops is a very old club, one that I went
to meetings with my cousin xW8BUS(sk) when I wasn't even 10 years old.
Those were the days of cigar smoke, good conversation,
bragging, auctions, and the highlight, coffee and doughnuts.  Some
things don't change.

I'll be on the FO-29 at 2204z, AO-51 2227z and VO-52 at 2354z.
Hope I can work someone.  Please give me a call if you hear me.

John K8YSE

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