Still works on 0550Z pass, but just me on. Off to bed.

73, Drew

On 8/4/2011 1:26 AM, Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
> On 8/4/2011 12:28 AM, Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
>> I was able to hear myself with as little as 1 watt on the 0425Z pass.
>> Antennas are a M2 CP42 on RHCP up, and a 10 element horizontal yagi
>> down. Sounded VERY good, and cycled on and off with the telemetry. I
>> also managed to grab 2 frames of tlm right after AOS. I have a wav file
>> of the transponder test.
>> 73, Drew KO4MA
> Video, well, audio with a picture, here:
> 73, Drew KO4MA
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