Today morning at 02:58utc I succesfully did a short SSTV test using the linear 
transponder of ARISSat-1:

Prior to this I did some experiments with CW, starting at 50W, going down to 5W.
My TS2000 does not go lower as 5W, but I believe even 1W or lower will be 
In my opinion the transponder uplink is VERY sensitive.

Using the FunCubeController SDR is it nice to see the full downlink spectrum, 
on the left the
CW+BPSK signals, the transponder downlink in the middle, and the FM downlink on 
the right.

Uplink HW: TS2000X, 435MHz, 5W RF power + 12 elements beam
Uplink SW: MMSSTV + HRD (doppler control)

Downlink HW: FunCubeDongle (SDR) + SP-2000 preamp + 2x6 elements beam
Downlink SW: MMSSTV + DK3WN Satcontrol (doppler/freq control) + HDSDR (SDR)

Henk, PA3GUO, 
The Netherlands
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