Good Afternoon,

I have been invited, WB2OQQ, to operate a portable satellite station on September 11th, using the call NW2C, at Historic Fort Totten, located in Bayside New York, only a few miles from ground zero. Fort Totten was one of many placed used in recovery and healing during 911.

I will operate all FM satellite passes from 12 noon to 6pm EDT, 1600, -2200z. For those that make a confirmed satellite contact and wish to receive a Certificate of Confirmation, visit, for all the details, NW2C will also be operating on the general bands, check clusters for frequency updates.

I look forward to demonstrating how our amateur satellites, can be utilized as another communications possibility in a crisis, let's put on a good show for the very special people that will be invited to this 911 event, thank you.

73's Pete

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