Hi Bob,

I also have put MMSSTV on 14.230 and most
of the images look great with a handful
that are terrific. I am not using anything
fancy just a 15' whip and an FT-847.

Maybe the noise level is really high there?

Tony AA2TX

On 11/20/2011 7:23 PM, Alan P. Biddle wrote:

It is just you.  ;)  Seriously, I do the same thing, and 3 out of 4 are good
pictures, perhaps 1 in 5 outstanding.  I do use Ham Radio Deluxe, which has
a few nice tricks such as automatic slant correction.  A suggestion is to
calibrate the sound card clock.  Many are significantly off.  Not certain
about MMSTV, but HRD has that built in.  Also, check the audio level to make
certain it is correct.



-----Original Message-----
From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On
Behalf Of Bob Bruninga
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 4:48 PM
To: Farrell Winder; AMSAT
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: SSTV Pictire Successful via ARISSat-1/RadioSKAF-V

Jeff, KB8VCO and I were successful in transmitting
a picture and receiving back an image via the
ARISSat-1/RADIOSKAF-V transponder.

By the way, once I got MMSTV loaded I decided to just park it on 14.230 MHz
all day long and watch the SSTV images come rolling in.  I have been
watching them in my office (when I walk by that PC) and although hear SSTV
all day long, and some signals very strong.....  I must admit, only ONE in 2
weeks has been discernable as to what the picture actually is..

ALl the rest you can tell MAYBE that it is some kind of picutre with maybe
some text at the top and the bottom, but NONE of them have been readable.
Yet, the signals sound like they would make a Q5 599 SSB signal.  Is it just
me, or does HF multipath slur the imgaes beyone all recognition.?

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