I have copied and worked LOTS of  SSTV  stations on 20 
meters.  And some were not all that strong.  There is a lot of QRM, 
doubling, people talking on SSB, etc etc  on 14.230. 
We also did some SSTV on  AO-51  a while back and I got some
good pictures there, too. 
Here are a couple of 20M ones attached. 

John, K6YK
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 17:47:40 -0500 (EST) "Bob Bruninga "
<bruni...@usna.edu> writes:
> > Jeff, KB8VCO and I were successful in transmitting 
> > a picture and receiving back an image via the 
> > ARISSat-1/RADIOSKAF-V transponder.
> By the way, once I got MMSTV loaded I decided to just park it on 
> 14.230 MHz all day long and watch the SSTV images come rolling in.  
> I have been watching them in my office (when I walk by that PC) and 
> although hear SSTV all day long, and some signals very strong.....  
> I must admit, only ONE in 2 weeks has been discernable as to what 
> the picture actually is..
> ALl the rest you can tell MAYBE that it is some kind of picutre with 
> maybe some text at the top and the bottom, but NONE of them have 
> been readable.  Yet, the signals sound like they would make a Q5 599 
> SSB signal.  Is it just me, or does HF multipath slur the imgaes 
> beyone all recognition.?
> Bob, WB4APR
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