thanks  very much  for   trying to help  unfortunately  it  really wasn't what  
I asked.  

hope someone out there might be able  to help a  newbie out



On Nov 26, 2011, at 6:49 PM, i6kzr wrote:

> Hi Myles,
> this is what LVB notes teel us about your question:
> Calibration from the serial, or virtual serial USB or Ethernet connection
> (1)Connect to the unit using a terminal emulator at 9600 bps, 1 stop bit, no 
> parity and no handshake.
> (2)Check for communication by typing the ‘C’ key followed by the enter key. 
> Note that there is no echo of your keystrokes. Commands are also not case 
> sensitive. The azimuth should be returned, although it will be the 
> uncalibrated value.
> (3)Using either the rotator control box switches or the optional front panel 
> switches, move the rotator to its counter-clockwise end stop (zero degrees), 
> which should be due North or due South depending on your rotator.
> (4)Move the elevation to zero degrees.
> (5)To set the left-most azimuth, type these four keys in sequence: ‘F’, ‘A’, 
> ‘S’, Enter. You will receive a reponse like: *Az Offset=0099*
> (6)To set zero degrees elevation, type the four keys in sequence: ‘F’, ‘E’, 
> ‘S’, Enter. You will receive a response like: *El Offset=0326*
> (7)Using either the rotator control box switches or the optional front panel 
> switches, move the rotator clockwise 360 degrees for both (a) 360 degree 
> maximum azimuth rotators and (b) 450 degree South CCW stop rotators. For 450 
> degree North CCW stop rotators, move the rotator clockwise to 450 degrees.
> (8)Move the elevation to either 90 degrees, or 180 degrees, depending on the 
> end stop of your rotator.
> (9)To set the right-most azimuth for both (a) 360 degree maximum azimuth 
> rotators and (b) 450 degree South CCW stop rotators, type these four keys in 
> sequence: ‘F’, ‘A’, ‘E’, Enter. For 450 degree North CCW stop rotators, type 
> the four keys in sequence: ‘F’, ‘A’, ‘F’, Enter. In either case, you will 
> receive a reponse like: *Az mul=0.897*
> (10)For 90 degree elevation rotators only: to set 90 degrees elevation, type 
> the four keys in sequence: ‘F’, ‘E’, ‘N’, Enter. For 180 degree elevation 
> rotators only: to set 180 degrees elevation, type the four keys in sequence: 
> ‘F’, ‘E’, ‘E’, Enter. In either case, you will receive a response like: *El 
> mul=1.234*
> (11)If you have a South CCW stopping rotator, you should key in the three key 
> sequence ‘F’, ‘S’, Enter. For a North CCW stopping rotator (default), key in 
> the three key sequence ‘F’, ‘N’, Enter.
> (12)To commit this to EEPROM, type the three keys in sequence: ‘F’, ‘W’, 
> Enter.
> (13)When you reset or switch the unit on and off, the calibration parameters 
> should be remembered.
> If you wish a front panel buttons calibration, you must use the follow 
> sequence:
> Calibration from the front panel buttons
> You must have an LCD connected for this to work. To enter calibration mode, 
> hold down one of the four front panel buttons as the unit is switched on. 
> After the welcome screen (and potentially the Bad EEPROM message), you then 
> enter the calibration mode.
> The four buttons (from LSB to MSB) are Left, Right, Down, Up. On the LCD, 
> these are referred to as L, R, D, U.
> (1)*Set Az=min & press D (U=esc)*Using the L button, move the rotator to its 
> counter-clockwise stop. The R button also operates to move the rotator right, 
> although normally would not be required at this point. Press D to accept, or 
> U to abort the calibration completely.
> (2)*Set El=min & press L (R=esc)*Using the D button, move the rotator to the 
> zero elevation stop. The U button also operates to move the rotator up, 
> although normally would not be required at this point. Press L to accept, or 
> R to abort the calibration completely.
> (3)*Set Az=max & press D (U=esc)*Using the R button, move the rotator to its 
> clockwise stop. If you are using a 450 degree azimuth rotator with a South 
> CCW stop, you should move the rotator to be at the South position 360 degrees 
> clockwise of the CCW stop. The L button also operates to move the rotator 
> left, although normally would not be required at this point. Press D to 
> accept, or U to abort the calibration completely.
> (4)*Set El=max & press L (R=esc)*Using the U button, move the rotator to the 
> maximum elevation stop (90 or 180 degrees). The D button also operates to 
> move the rotator down, although normally would not be required at this point. 
> Press L to accept, or R to abort the calibration completely.
> (5)*Az range: 450 U 360 D (R=esc)*For North CCW stop 450 degree rotators, 
> press U. For 360 degree or South CCW stop rotators, press D. Press R to abort 
> the calibration completely.
> (6)*El range: 0-90 U 0-180 D (R=esc)*For elevation rotators with a maximum 
> elevation of 90 degrees, press U. For ‘flipping’ elevation rotators, press D. 
> Press R to abort the calibration completely.
> (7)*CCW stop North=U South=D (R=esc)*For North CCW stop rotators, press U, 
> for South CCW stop rotators press D. Press R to abort the calibration 
> completely.
> (8)*EE Write: U (R=esc)*To commit the settings to EEPROM, press U. Press R to 
> abort the calibration completely.
> (9)*EEPROM write OK Push btn to exit*Push any front panel button to return to 
> normal mode.
> Have fun, 73
>                        Renzo I6KZR
> Il 26/11/2011 21.11, myles landstein ha scritto:
>> Hi
>> For some reason  I couldn't find this online  sure I overlooked the 
>> obvious....
>> I have a LVB Tracker with a Yaesu G5500
>> Wanted to cal the  unit and was sure  if this was considered
>>   a  360degree max az rotor  or 450   South CCW = FEN
>> or
>> 450North CCW = FEE
>> also
>> is this  considered
>> a:  If you have a South CCW stopping rotator, you should key in the three 
>> key sequence ‘F’, ‘S’, Enter. For a North CCW stopping rotator (default), 
>> key in the three key sequence ‘F’, ‘N’, Enter.
>> thanks
>> Myles
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