Robert-here is another good resource 

73 Bob W7LRD 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Bob- W7LRD" <> 
To: "Robert Smith" <> 
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2012 10:14:02 AM 
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: SSB Birds fm Hawaii 

Hello Robert 

You would be in demand on AO-7.  AO-7 is really not difficult though can be 
"tricky".  Keep in mind AO-7 switches between A & B modes every 24 hours at 
around 2340Z, I think.   Also our JA friends can not transmit on 432mhz.  
However they are on mode A.  I have tried many times to work them from CN87 
(Seattle) many times, no luck.  Remember, "if this were easy, everyone would be 
doing it".  Schedual information can be found 
.  Good luck with your efforts, I will keep an ear out for you.  Don't forget 

73 Bob W7LRD 


----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Robert Smith" <> 
Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2012 10:09:32 PM 
Subject: [amsat-bb] SSB Birds fm Hawaii 

Aloha All de NH7WN 

I have been working the FM birds for years and now have the capability to QSO 
via AO7 and other SSB sats.  As a "newbie" I am still learning how to "find 
along with overcoming the other challenges of a somewhat more difficult art. 

It has been a desire of mine to work longer distances from here in Hawaii and 
course the SSB birds offer that opportunity. As fate would have it however, I 
am in 
a valley with ridges of 20 degs. elevation east and west of me. Still,  It 
appears that I 
may be able to work as far east as Nebraska,  and Japan remains a remote 

Eventually I hope to be mobile in order to solve the above problem but in the 
time, I would welcome any and all QSO opportunities. I try to be on the air 
during the 
afternoons and evenings in Hawaii.  So, if you happen to hear an operator who 
to be in the embryonic stages of SSB ops, please give me a call and as 
always, all tips gracefully accepted. Mahalo and 73. 

robert, NH7WN 
Honolulu, Hawaii 

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