There were three passes of VO-52 here this morning, 27March2012.
I was able to copy the beacon on all three passes.  Here are the
1200utc 145862.6
1335utc 145861.7
1510utc 145861.9

The frequencies are not exact. My CW offset is 850Hz.  There is
significant frequency drift and temperature is probably the cause.
It would be interesting to hear from the control team regarding

HO-68 provides an excellent check of your doppler compensation in
your tracking program.  I find that the beacon is always very strong
and the frequency is rock solid.  You can save the frequency in your
program and a month later find that it is right where it was the month
before.  If you can listen to the beacon with your CW filter on throughout
the entire pass, you have everything set right, keps, computer clock etc.
The doppler gets quite severe on a high pass and is a great way to make
sure you have everything set right.  Since HO-68 is on UHF, everything
becomes more critical.

John K8YSE

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