
Sounds like you have a plan.

Here's a thought---if I had a TS-50 (and a CAT level converter to
serial or USB) and the High Sierra downconverter, I'd spend some time
with SatPC32 and see if I could get it to work (tell the program you
have a Kenwood, and try all options--, TS-790, TS-200, and especially

With some transverter offset frequencies in DOPPLER.SQF, you just
might end up with automated/full CAT control!

Suggest you read about MixW2 and/or AGW Packet Engine as possible
software solutions to printing digital satellites at either 1200 or
9600.  The Spirit-2 is an awesome TNC (my favorite), but the number of
satellites you can print with is is pretty low these days.  There are
no current PACSATs active, and from what I can tell, none in the
planning stages either.


Mark N8MH

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 7:43 AM, Alan Beck <> wrote:
> Thank you all for the offers to help.
> My goals are as follows.
> Track and monitor the satellites, I already do this with  a manual radio on 
> VHF.
> I can digipeat on the ISS, but not right now due to antenna restrictions. (No 
> bread man)
> I want to build a couple of eggbeaters and have question on them because I 
> want the UHF on the top of my tower but well built so that any water ingress 
> will not trash the things.
> I am getting a High Sierra 432M7 block down converter that I intend to use 
> with my TS-50 up/down buttons.
> I have Instanttrack now and I looking to interface Instanttune with it.
> I am about to build the circuitry for the AA2TX interface with the ON6WG 
> upgrade but I think someone may have one and could be willing to part with.
> I am an electronics tech by trade and able to build the circuit to isolate 
> the keypresses, but, if I find someone with an interface already built and 
> willing to sell it, less work. It is getting harder and harder to find parts. 
> Thankfully Mouser is now active in Canada.
> Now I am asking for a Spirit2 controller for my birthday. Is there another 
> way can do this? sound card perhaps?
> OK, so, I want to use the analog satelittes and the pacsats. I have been 
> fascinated about chasing satellites and now that I know I can do a fair bit 
> with eggbeater antennas, then so be it.
> I am looking forward Elmering.
> Best 73,
> Alan
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Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]

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