Bob and Alan,

There must be a better way to detect re-entry than simply than throwing an
unhandled exception.

You guys seem to be the experts - any suggestions on how to do it ?
It seems to be related to the BSTAR drag value. Some say when the BSTAR
drag value gets "too high" the sat has re-entered or is about to re-enter.
The recent
chicken little contest peaked my interest in this topic. So far no one has
offered the
magic value for "too high". Not looking for the obvious answer - it is too
high when
SatPC32 throws an exception.

Paul Williamson's NASAWASH would be a good starting point. Check the keps
problems and errors before posting them.  The tracking program could also
check for
the problem values. Neither of these would be difficult if the the value of
"too high" was
known. Would you have to look at the other elements or is BSTAR enough.


W9KE tom....

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Robert McGwier <>wrote:

> You mean other than that it has reentered?
> On Friday, May 11, 2012, Thomas Doyle wrote:
>> Is anyone else if having trouble with 'TACSAT 3'
>> When I try to track it with SATPC32 it throws an error.
>> The error message is in German.
>> thanks W9KE tom ...
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Sent from my computer.

tom ...
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