Thanks Domenico,

a quick search on the web turns out some good information about the ability
of F2IL to work satellites. He has a great record and accomplishments. A
personal email enquiring about what was going on is a good way of building
each other up and not causing unnecessary conflict. We all can jump very
quickly to the wrong conclusions and cooler heads need to prevail.

To quote Clint: "Well, I ask, WHEN did the true spirit of ham radio CHANGE
to the point where we can demean fellow hams in public message groups  -
WITHOUT simply contacting an "offending" ham privately to see if we could
help them with their system?

It is okay to share frustrations, let's work to make things better for all
of us.

Stefan, VE4NSA

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:24 PM, i8cvs <> wrote:

> Hi Eric, ON4HF
> Before to call F2IL an European alligator and give bad publicity on
> AMSAT-BB I suggest you to use more fair play and send to him
> an email and explain to him the problem occurred to day on SO-50
> As far I know my friend Jean Marie is an expert satellite operator
> and I have with him many correct QSO's on all the linear birds.
> Here is the email address of Jean Marie F2IL
> 73" de
> i8CVS Domenico
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eric Knaps, ON4HF" <>
> To: "Amsat - BBS" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:21 PM
> Subject: [amsat-bb] European alligator on SO-50 (F2IL)
> > Today I wanted to use my arrow and portable to make a qso on SO-50.
> > M6DNU (also portable) called me but it took 5 minutes to complete that
> > contact.
> > F2IL was constantly calling cq on top of us. Do these guys even listen
> > to the downlink??
> > Give portable stations also a change please! We only have 2 watts of rf
> > power.
> > Where is the "ham spirit" these days?
> > 73,
> > Eric.
> >
> > --
> > Amateur Radio Station ON4HF
> > Eric Knaps
> > Satellite manager UBA
> >
> >
> >
> >
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