Enough. I unsubscribe - there I am finally finished with anything to do with amsat.
Ed - KL7UW
ex-member 3212 (worked on AO-6)
and now ex bb subscriber!

At 02:58 PM 5/30/2012, you wrote:
The interesting thing is that this issue was brought up and caused by three
EU hams.  Why and how this type of thing always seems to degenerate into a
commentary on the general ham condition and a personal war wages between
people who were not even in the original event is an interesting statement
in itself.  I wonder if I can get a refund on my membership.  We surely do
need more satellites if nothing else than to spread you guys out.

John - AG9D

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 4:44 PM, Clint Bradford

> Back to Eric's original question: "Where is the "ham spirit" these days?"
> Well, I ask, WHEN did the true spirit of ham radio CHANGE to the point
> where we can demean fellow hams
> in public message groups  - WITHOUT simply contacting an "offending" ham
> privately to see if we could help
> them with their system?
> A simple email message to the "offending" station asking if he was able to
> hear the bird ... If he has had any
> problems with the FM birds in the past ... and find out if he knew he was
> accidentally stepping on another ham ...
> THAT'S what any responsible amateur radio licensee should have done FIRST.
> And THEN write up the experience
> here. Something like ...
> "Hey, guys and gals. Was working SO-50 earlier this week, and booming in
> with a strong signal was K6LCS. That's
> the good news. The bad news is that he was stepping on everyone else - as
> if he could not hear the downlinks from
> the bird. I called him up (his phone number is all over his Web sites) and
> we both identified the problem: a shorted
> earpiece cable forced him to work without his normal receive audio setup.
> He profusely apologized ... and he is not
> really a "repeat offender." LESSON LEARNED: Purchase quality audio
> accessories!"
> Instead, the original message criticizes a fellow ham ... and two more
> fellow hams publicly chime in with, "Way to go, Eric!" -
> before finding out the facts of the matter.
> Call me "old school," I guess. But I am not changing.
> Clint Bradford, K6LCS
> http://www.work-sat.com
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73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz   www.kl7uw.com
EME: 50-1.1kw?, 144-1.4kw, 432-QRT, 1296-?, 3400-?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep dubus...@gmail.com
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