Thanks for all the suggestions. I found my problem was rain on my homebrewed 
double moxon. I haven't had time to take it down and see if I can repair it as 
it worked quite well.  but I just bought an m2 eggbeater for 70 cm that should 
be much more reliable at the vacation qth. Things had been working fine with a 
few contacts on the home brew antenna until the rains came.

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On Jul 22, 2012, at 3:31 PM, "WILLIAMS MICHAEL" <> wrote:

> Rick,
> FO-29 has a strong CW beacon at 435.795 +/- Doppler. It's down there by itself
> and easy to find.
> Also most downlink signals are concentrated and very strong around 435.850 +/-
> 10 midway in the pass band.
> Are you working or hearing any other sats?
> GL
> Mike K9QHO

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