Thanks Drew for the correction, but THANKS to BOTH you and Howard for all that you do for AMSAT and amateur-radio satellites!
Andy W5ACM

FUNcube Dongle Pro #192

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Glasbrenner" <>
To: "amsat-bb" <>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 9:50 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] AMSAT Journal correction

Hi All,

I must make a correction to the Symposium news article in the latest AMSAT Journal. On page 27, I am credited for the donation of a FunCube Dongle as a prize. This is not the case. The Dongle was generously provided by Howard Long, G6LVB. As I recall I merely did the asking, and all credit for the prize should rest with Howard. I just wanted to make sure ample credit was applied where amply due. My apologies for the confusion.

73, Drew KO4MA

PS If you don't have a FunCube Dongle, go get one now!

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