Yesterday morning, when it was in Mode B, I heard my downlink for the
first time in several days.  The signal was weak and it sounded
scratchy, much like what I noticed the previous time I heard it.

I think it helped that the satellite was nearly directly overhead at
the time.  Also, I set up my station in a park across the street from
the apartment complex I live in so I didn't have any RFI from my


Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL

On 8/13/12, K4FEG <> wrote:
> Just a note:
> AO7-a over the USA this morning had a very nice signal, there was no one
> but myself on the pass I was on, but the downlink was strong with minor
> QSB, I tested with variable power levels and as expected high power
> levels would bring on some distortion on CW signals and minor "FM'ing"
> on SSB signals.
> Running minimal power levels seemed to produce clear downlinks on both
> SSB and CW. I am not sure how the "bird" would react with multiple
> stations on simultaneously but it was quite clear with just myself on
> the satellite this morning.
> I think we just need to be gentle with the "Grand Lady of satellites"
> she seems to working, for now!
> I wish I had an answer for what is ailing the bird, but I don't. These
> are just my observations of the satellite!
> 73 All!
> Frank; K4FEG
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